7 Things You Should Know! /// Week 5

Apr 16, 2023    Pastor Kevin Moore

This week, Pastor Kevin Moore brings you the next point point from our series, “7 Things You Should Know!” This point is “Burn the Ladder…Cross the Line” speaks to our drive, goals and Inspirations that keep us from God. Often these things distract us, and when we do reach them, we soon realize that we are left unfulfilled and never truly satisfied. God is asking us to cross a line that he has set before us. What does he want you to do? What line is it that you are afraid to cross? Have you taken the step to salvation? Maybe you are holding off on baptism for some reason? When we cross that line, there is a joy and freedom that comes upon you that no amount of “success” or how tall any ladder might be, God is always greater, and he always leaves us blessed and fulfilled that no amount of “success” can!

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Noble County Community Church

@ West Noble Primary School

500 W. Union St. I Ligonier @ 9:15 & 11 am

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