7 Things You Should Know! /// Week 6

Apr 23, 2023    Pastor Kevin Moore

This week, Pastor Kevin Moore brings you the next point point from our series, “7 Things You Should Know!” This point is “You’ve Been Called by God to Invite Others to Follow Jesus.” The greatest thing we need to know is what we need others to know…that Jesus is our savior and that he wants save our souls and give us salvation. However, it takes relationships with other Christians that are willing to share what He has done in their lives, and to introduce those we love to our savior, Jesus Christ! The greatest thing that we need to know is that we have a purpose and a mission - to share Jesus with everyone! Life isn’t about just living a happy life, but instead it’s about making disciples, that make disciples by witnessing and mentoring others and helping them receive the same joy and salvation through Christ that we have. Time’s a wasting! Go share and help build the kingdom!

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Noble County Community Church

@ West Noble Primary School

500 W. Union St. I Ligonier @ 9:15 & 11 am

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