"Zacchaeus: Out on a Limb!"
On this week's Sunday Message, Gran Roberts from our Teaching Team, shares a message on Zacchaeus from Luke 19:1-10. God calls us to make disciples who make disciples. It is easy to serve those we love, like and enjoy being around, but what about those that are considered "unlovable" and "too far gone" in life? We know that they too are able to be transformed into a person of faith, like that of the wee, little man named Zacchaeus. We talk about the source of his pain, his interaction and transformation involving Jesus, and Gran shares 3 different takeaways that we can use to help the Zacchaeus's in our lives, so that they too can know that they matter to Jesus and that he loves them too!
Noble County Community Church
@ West Noble Primary School
500 W. Union St. I Ligonier @ 9:15 & 11 am
#NCCC #NobleCounty #SundayMessages